• pallottihillpublicschool@gmail.com. Contact Numbers: 0495 229 66 77, 0495 229 8377, 9447848489

  • July 5, 2021

‘Read for Life’s Road’…

‘Read for Life’s Road’…

‘Read for Life’s Road’… 150 150 rahul

‘Books open doors to a world of ingenuity, creativity and resourcefulness. It can become a person’s best friend, loyal supporter and key counsel for life.’ To enhance reading habit among students, we organized 10 days’ reading program called ‘Read for Life’s Road’ in connection with national reading day ( 19th June). Creative competitions as given below were conducted for students.

  • Read a book
  • Video narration about the book/ write a small book review about the book/ prepare a review in a ppt to be presented to their class/ prepare a video of the character of their book based on a small incident taken from the book.
    Children read the book zealously and participated in the competitions vivaciously.

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