• pallottihillpublicschool@gmail.com. Contact Numbers: 0495 229 66 77, 0495 229 8377, 9447848489

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SAHODAYA LITERARY COMPETITION (2023-2024) 1024 768 rahul


District level Sahodaya Literary meet was organized at Bee Line Public School,Kuttikattor,Calicut . The gems of Pallotti who bagged 1st prize in the School level Literary competitions got a wonderful opportunity to showcase their literary skills . Mrs. Kavitha and Mrs.Prasheedha accompanied our Students.

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Teacher’s day celebrations (2023-2024) 1024 724 rahul

Teacher’s day celebrations (2023-2024)

Teachers’ day is a special day where the children get an opportunity to express their gratitude and appreciation for the incredible individuals who guide them, inspire them and help them shape their futures. Pallotti Hill Public School witnessed a wonderful Teachers’ day celebrations under the mentorship of Ms. Shebeena. Grade 10 children where given an…

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Onaponnunjaal: Fragrance of flowers at Pallotti Hill Public School 1024 563 rahul

Onaponnunjaal: Fragrance of flowers at Pallotti Hill Public School

The fragrance of flowers,The elegance of Kuruthola, ‘Onaponnunjaal’ spread the essence of Onam Festivities in the Pallotti Hill Public School campus. Onaponnunjaal was all set to welcome our dear children for the much awaitedOnam celebrations. It is indeed an educational recreational and delightful way to remind ourselves of the rich cultural heritage of Kerala and…

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Cynosure Arts Day 2023 1024 768 rahul

Cynosure Arts Day 2023

The Cynosure Arts Day 2023 held on August 17th and 18th at Pallotti Hill Public School was a splendid showcase of the students’ diverse talents and creativity. The two-day event encompassed a wide array of stage and non-stage items, highlighting the exceptional efforts put forth by both students and teachers. Day 1 – August 17th:…

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76th year of INDEPENDENCE 778 1024 rahul

76th year of INDEPENDENCE

SENSE OF UNITY, INTEGRITY AMD SOVEREIGNTY amongst Pallotines.Pallotti Hill Public school came together as a school community,and reflected upon the significance of freedom and responsibilities the gracious day brings.Togetherness remind us of unwavering dedication,unity and determination.The school campus was Filled with colours of strength,peace and auspiciousness. The tricolour filled every nook and corner with grace.…

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Vegetable day at Pallotti Kids world. 960 720 rahul

Vegetable day at Pallotti Kids world.

It was a delight to watch our honeybuns as Fresh vegetables.. hopping , cheering, enjoying over the kids world . Vegetable day celebration was fun-filled,healthified experience for our tiny tots.Mrs.Sophy ( Head Mistress of Pallotti Kids world) started the event with a vibrant introduction.The gem of Pallotti Kids world ,Mater Naithik P Nithin extended a…

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“Passing the Torch: Embracing New Leadership” 1024 824 rahul

“Passing the Torch: Embracing New Leadership”

The investiture ceremony of selecting the school HEAD BOY- John Joseph Shaji (Grade 10) HEAD GIRL – Arya Lakshmi .S (Grade 10) ASSISTANT HEAD BOY – Adwaith P Rajesh ( Grade 9) ASSISTANT HEAD GIRL – Heyn Maria Antony ( Grade 9) ASSISTANT HEAD BOY – Sagar .S (Grade 8)ASSISTANT HEAD GIRL – Jerin S.K…

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The first PTA executive committee was held on 29-07-2023 in the Jubilee Hall.The meeting started at 2p.m. The Principal, Respected Rev.Fr. Vipin Augusty Chaired the meeting. The meeting started gracefully seeking blessings from the Almighty by Mrs. Asharashitha . Mrs.Seby extended a warm welcome to all the PTA executive members. Mr.Joshy, PTA President actively geared…

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BOOK EXPO – An initiative to enhance cognitive skills 1024 768 rahul

BOOK EXPO – An initiative to enhance cognitive skills

In collaboration with LIVA BOOKS, Pallotti Hill public school could explore curious minds of their children by providing them a fantabulous opportunity to grab the incredible works of their favourite authors.Grades from 4 to 10 were given an opportunity to purchase from the expo.Reading stimulates a child’s brain and helps develop critical thinking and problem-solving…

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Pallotti Hill Public School organized literary competitions which aimed at nurturing creativity, fostering a love for literature, and providing a platform for students to showcase their writing skills. The event saw enthusiastic participation from students across different grades, resulting in a memorable and inspiring experience for all involved.The primary objective of the literary competition was…

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